Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Long-Awaited Update!

After much harassment (Tasha, Danelle, Andrea- you know who you are!), I have decided to visit my blog, or lack thereof... I am seriously (cross my heart!!) going to try to update this at least once a week, letting it serve as a sort of family journal. At least, that's my intent. We'll see how long I last, eh?

Lots going on, as usual. House is officially on the market- it makes me cringe looking at the listing price. After much debate, consideration and prayer, we have decided to short-sale our home. We owe over 230k on this small 3 bedroom 1475sq ft home, and I can't see us ever making our money back, and we've CLEARLY outgrown this home, so... on the market it went, for a measly, MEASLY 94k!! Can you believe it?!? UGH! Darn Phoenix market!! We'll be moving, regardless of the sale, on May 1st. We're renting a good friend's home, allowing them to buy the bigger home they've been dreaming of. Eventually, in a year or two, we'll buy again, since Felix isn't on the title of this current home (bizarre- since we bought it together??)... Alas, packing with two children will prove to be interesting. Felix was supposed to go to Connecticut for another 2 weeks, right up until moving day, but thankfully, his trip was cancelled- HALLELUJAH!

These past few weeks have been mad-crazy too. We had Papa & Grandma from Wisconsin visit for a week while Felix was in Connecticut- what a lifesaver! I banked up my sleep during their visit and they happily visited with their grandchildren. During the visit we managed to do a few Spring Training Games along with my aunt and two cousins.

It was an awesome visit! We even did a mini-family reunion at Oregano's with my aunt, uncle and another cousin who I hadn't seen in over 20 years!!

Mimi, or Grammy Pammie, moved back from Michigan this month too. She's been staying with us and helping me with the kiddos- HUGE help! I seriously don't know how I could do it without all of the support from my family and friends.

Grace has had pneumonia, severe constipation, gas issues, a yeast infection, an ear infection, RSV... Gavin has had ear infection after ear infection. If he keeps up his trend, we'll be seeing ear tubes in his future, poor little man! He is growing like a weed! Almost 11 pounds, slowly catching up with his sister. Grace is hovering at 18 pounds, despite increasing her caloric intake. We're back to formula food again, since she became extremely constipated, but things have improved greatly, so we'll stick with it for a bit. She's been vomiting a TON today, but apparently, it's some sort of viral infection, so we wait it out with lots of Pedialyte on hand. Good times! Grace is able to pull herself to a sit and a tall kneel from lying down, and now able to army crawl- PT is working! I about fainted the morning I walked into her room and she was sitting up playing in her crib. Now, she never wants to lie down- she's always sitting, even falling asleep most nights sitting up! Silly girl! Gavin is cooing and doing everything age appropriate. He's such a wiggle-worm. If I lay him on his belly, he'll inch worm off the mat, and onto the cool hard-wood. He's constantly bearing weight on his legs and pushing off of me. His smiles melt my heart- he's still only smiling on his terms, but when I see it, I melt. Both of the kids were SPOILED by Papa & Grandma, of course. Grace got her own car, which she adores. We try to get the mail in it every day, when the weather permits. She also got her own drum set, so she's continually banging on her drum. Gavin got a new remote control mobile. What a great concept! He will lay quietly in his crib cooing and chatting with the animals, while his glow worm sings soft lullabyes.

Tomorrow we are doing Disney on Ice with Grace, a Hope Kids event. I'll post some photos. Hopefully we'll have a smoother experience than my cousin Danelle did with her son.

So, that's it for now- stay tuned for another update, coming your way soon!


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